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Rated 5 stars by 12,000+Health Enthusiasts

Coconut Almond

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Total Sugar

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Prebiotics & Probiotics

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Organic & Natural Ingredients

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Our Best Sellers

Savor the Adventure, Taste The Freedom.

limited sale 25% off

Rainbow Bundle

Group 55.png__PID:8764c142-6305-4a14-9647-d274bc5fc501

2x Strawberry

2x Mango YoBe

2x Ube

2x Chocolate Energy

Shop Now . $22.46 $29.95

limited sale 25% off

Rainbow Bundle

Group 56.png__PID:ca8764c1-4263-450a-9456-47d274bc5fc5

3x Strawberry

2x Mango YoBe

4x Ube

2x Chocolate Energy

2x Matcha YoBe

Shop Now . $22.46 $29.95

limited sale 25% off

Exotic Adventure

Group 57.png__PID:95ca8764-c142-4305-8a14-5647d274bc5f

2x Strawberry

2x Mango YoBe

2x Ube

1x Chocolate

Shop Now . $22.46 $29.95

Shop All Flavors

Indulgence, Nutrition, & Convenience in Every Pack

Group 50.png__PID:341b838d-b2b9-48e6-b9ef-be60da2a6d00


Decadently rich, purely delightful.


6 Pack

Group 52.png__PID:56341b83-8db2-4998-a679-efbe60da2a6d

Chocolate Energy

Energize with every bite.


6 Pack

Group 53.png__PID:0856341b-838d-42b9-98e6-79efbe60da2a

Ube 💜

Exotically sweet, vibrantly unique.


6 Pack

Group 54.png__PID:1d085634-1b83-4db2-b998-e679efbe60da


Juicy sweetness in every snack.


6 Pack

Group 50.png__PID:341b838d-b2b9-48e6-b9ef-be60da2a6d00


Sweetly tart, irresistibly fresh.


6 Pack

Group 57.png__PID:d0db1d08-5634-4b83-8db2-b998e679efbe


Serenely smooth, green goodness.


6 Pack

Group 58.png__PID:69d0db1d-0856-441b-838d-b2b998e679ef

Vanilla 💙

Mildly sweet, intriguingly blue.


6 Pack

Group 60.png__PID:8569d0db-1d08-4634-9b83-8db2b998e679

Build Your Own Pack!!


6 Pack

Why Choose YoBe?


12 Grams Protein
Per Pouch

Layer 112.png__PID:b47168ca-a775-4bfb-a341-396b2e9f07f5

100% Plant Based

Layer 113.png__PID:96b47168-caa7-45bb-bb63-41396b2e9f07

Low Sugar:
5g Total Sugar

Layer 114.png__PID:4d96b471-68ca-4775-bbfb-6341396b2e9f

Non GMO Project

Layer 115.png__PID:264d96b4-7168-4aa7-b5bb-fb6341396b2e

Packed with Probiotics
 & 9g of Prebioitic Fiber

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Organic and Clean

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We Are trusted by
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12,000+ Happy Customers!.png__PID:4c2b0a73-e3a5-4bbc-8778-da9bd1f54b31
Plus 2,000+  new ones month 1_.png__PID:0e4c2b0a-73e3-45fb-bc87-78da9bd1f54b

Tastes Like Ice Cream

Freeze and enjoy our snacks for a creamy, guilt-free dessert experience.



Portable & durable, YoBe is the ideal snack for any adventure: hikes, trips, gym or work.


Enjoy Anytime, Anywhere

Designed to stay fresh for 12 hours outside the fridge. Ready whenever you need it.

Group 49.png__PID:61781f40-abbe-405a-95ae-5b6a6d084695

Optimize Your Fitness

With 12g of plant-based protein, YoBe supports your active lifestyle and recovery.


Inclusively Delicious

YoBe caters to all with vegan, keto, gluten-free, and dairy-free options.


Your Round-the-Clock Snack

Mid-morning nibble, an afternoon treat, or a late-night snack, YoBe satisfies your cravings anytime without compromise.

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Layer 43.png__PID:a616ad60-8eef-45f9-8599-864ba6bc55c5

Chocolate Flavor! Tastes like a Chocolate Mouse with w/ 12grams of Protein and No Added Sugar!

Ingredients: Organic Coconut Milk, Almond Protein, Organic Erythritol, Organic Cocoa (Processed with Alkali), Organic Flavors, Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), Sea Salt, Organic Tapioca Fiber, Organic Monk Fruit, Vegan Probiotics Contains: Almond & Coconut.

Group 60.png__PID:c50463e7-2e22-4898-8921-8cb2378feee5

Chocolate Flavor! Tastes like a Chocolate Mouse with w/ 12grams of Protein and No Added Sugar!

Ingredients: Organic Coconut Milk, Almond Protein, Organic Erythritol, Organic Cocoa (Processed with Alkali), Organic Flavors, Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), Sea Salt, Organic Tapioca Fiber, Organic Monk Fruit, Vegan Probiotics Contains: Almond & Coconut.

Group 60.png__PID:c50463e7-2e22-4898-8921-8cb2378feee5
Mango YoBe

Chocolate Flavor! Tastes like a Chocolate Mouse with w/ 12grams of Protein and No Added Sugar!

Ingredients: Organic Coconut Milk, Almond Protein, Organic Erythritol, Organic Cocoa (Processed with Alkali), Organic Flavors, Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), Sea Salt, Organic Tapioca Fiber, Organic Monk Fruit, Vegan Probiotics Contains: Almond & Coconut.

Group 60.png__PID:c50463e7-2e22-4898-8921-8cb2378feee5

Chocolate Flavor! Tastes like a Chocolate Mouse with w/ 12grams of Protein and No Added Sugar!

Ingredients: Organic Coconut Milk, Almond Protein, Organic Erythritol, Organic Cocoa (Processed with Alkali), Organic Flavors, Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), Sea Salt, Organic Tapioca Fiber, Organic Monk Fruit, Vegan Probiotics Contains: Almond & Coconut.

Group 60.png__PID:c50463e7-2e22-4898-8921-8cb2378feee5

Chocolate Flavor! Tastes like a Chocolate Mouse with w/ 12grams of Protein and No Added Sugar!

Ingredients: Organic Coconut Milk, Almond Protein, Organic Erythritol, Organic Cocoa (Processed with Alkali), Organic Flavors, Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), Sea Salt, Organic Tapioca Fiber, Organic Monk Fruit, Vegan Probiotics Contains: Almond & Coconut.

Group 60.png__PID:c50463e7-2e22-4898-8921-8cb2378feee5
Matcha YoBe

Chocolate Flavor! Tastes like a Chocolate Mouse with w/ 12grams of Protein and No Added Sugar!

Ingredients: Organic Coconut Milk, Almond Protein, Organic Erythritol, Organic Cocoa (Processed with Alkali), Organic Flavors, Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), Sea Salt, Organic Tapioca Fiber, Organic Monk Fruit, Vegan Probiotics Contains: Almond & Coconut.

Group 60.png__PID:c50463e7-2e22-4898-8921-8cb2378feee5
Blue Spirulina Vanilla

Chocolate Flavor! Tastes like a Chocolate Mouse with w/ 12grams of Protein and No Added Sugar!

Ingredients: Organic Coconut Milk, Almond Protein, Organic Erythritol, Organic Cocoa (Processed with Alkali), Organic Flavors, Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), Sea Salt, Organic Tapioca Fiber, Organic Monk Fruit, Vegan Probiotics Contains: Almond & Coconut.

Group 60.png__PID:c50463e7-2e22-4898-8921-8cb2378feee5

Explore Other Bundles

Strawberry YoBe

Group 49.png__PID:3d32f629-0d85-46c1-b0ab-060dd1874501

1x Strawberry YoBe

Shop Now . $22.46 $29.95

Golden Choice Pack

Group 50.png__PID:513d32f6-290d-4536-8170-ab060dd18745

1x Chocolate

1x Mango YoBe

1x Ube

1x Chocolate Energy

Shop Now . $22.46 $29.95

Mango YoBe

Group 51.png__PID:3c513d32-f629-4d85-b6c1-70ab060dd187

1x Mango YoBe

Shop Now . $22.46 $29.95

Our Happy Customer Reviews

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type spec imen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into.

Julie Macros

Regular Client


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type spec imen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into.

Elisha Mates

Regular Client


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type spec imen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into.

Julie Macros

Regular Client


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type spec imen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into.

Julie Macros

Regular Client



Life Style



Organic, Non-GMO, No Artificial Additives


Ideal Snack for Hikes & Trips, Gym & Yoga, Work & School


High Protein, Low Sugar, Keto, Gluten-Free, Vegan


Eco-friendly Packaging, Sustainable Sourcing


Wide Range of Flavors, Ice Cream like Taste

Other Snacks


Often acontains artificial additives


Often inconvenient


Low Nutritional Value


Low Nutritional Value


High variety, often artificial flavors

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No YoBe

Layer 957.png__PID:bcbd581f-1ee0-4633-af42-1a425b6b81ab

Hawkins Golden

About YoBe

YoBe has its roots in taking a challenge and making the best of it. Our founder, Hawkins Golden, hit a breaking point and decided to live healthier and during that transformation he created YoBe. Being dairy intolerant and noticing most Plant Based Yogurt options didn't have protein and had poor ingredients, Hawkins created YoBe to bring protein goodness to everyone whether, you are vegan or a carnivore. So eat clean and dream BIG!

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Learn More
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12,000+ Happy Customers!.png__PID:4c2b0a73-e3a5-4bbc-8778-da9bd1f54b31
Plus 2,000+  new ones month 1_.png__PID:0e4c2b0a-73e3-45fb-bc87-78da9bd1f54b

Featured YoBe Packs

8 Pack of YoBes

Group 55.png__PID:8764c142-6305-4a14-9647-d274bc5fc501

2x Strawberry

2x Mango YoBe

2x Ube

2x Chocolate Energy

Shop Now . $22.46 $29.95

12 Pack of YoBes

Group 56.png__PID:ca8764c1-4263-450a-9456-47d274bc5fc5

3x Strawberry

2x Mango YoBe

4x Ube

2x Chocolate Energy

2x Matcha YoBe

Shop Now . $22.46 $29.95

16 Pack of YoBes

Group 57.png__PID:95ca8764-c142-4305-8a14-5647d274bc5f

2x Strawberry

2x Mango YoBe

2x Ube

1x Chocolate

Shop Now . $22.46 $29.95

Follow Us On Social Media

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We got you covered with Instacart!

Put in an order and get it dropped off at your door in less than an hour. We aren't proud of our own Uber Eats and Instacart Bills, but we love the convenience & are proud of our busy & active lives!
Convenience is one of the reasons we made our packaging On-The-Go!

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